The DeCaprio Lab is committed to training the next generation of cancer biologists, virologists, and oncologists. Dr. DeCaprio has a long and extensive experience in mentoring and guiding trainees. In his laboratory, he has mentored 27 post-doctoral fellows, 20 PhD graduate students, and 14 undergraduate and post-baccalaureate research assistants, nearly all of whom have continued a career in science in academy or industry.
Dr. DeCaprio serves as the Program Director/Principal Investigator of the NCI sponsored training program “Graduate Training in Cancer Research” for Medical Oncology fellows and the “Young Empowered Scientists for ContinUed Research Engagement (YES for CURE)” program for under-represented minority college and high school students. He is co-director of the Harvard Medical School Poussaint Pre-Matriculation Summer Program (PPSP) designed to introduce topics in oncology to entering underrepresented medical students. He has trained several undergraduate students from Northeastern University sponsored by the NCI-supported CaNCURE (Cancer Nanomedicine Co-ops for Undergraduate Research Experiences) program.